We launched “MEET & EAT” / “MEET & EAT”を正式公開しました

[日本語は下部に] On December 5, 2017, we launched “MEET & EAT”, an online matching service to find local Japanese to have a dinner together. We had been testing the service for few month, (thank you cooperators!) and refined the service to launch “MEET & EAT” [About MEET & EAT] “Socialize with local Japanese over food and drinks” MEET & EAT is a service for travelers (you and your company) and local Japanese (him/her and their company) to meet up, have a meal, and exchange cultures in a small maximum of 3 and 3 group.

We started Hub Japan Blog / Hub Japanブログを開設しました

[日本語は下部に] We started Hub Japan Blog to connect with our users. We will post updates and news about Hub Japan on this blog from now on. Hub Japanブログを開設しました。今後Hub Japanに関するお知らせなどをアップしていきます。よろしくお願いいたします。 Hub Japan English:https://hubjapan.io 日本語:https://ja.hubjapan.io

About US

Company Information Name: Ashinote, Inc. Address: Nittochi Building 2F SENQ Kasumigaseki, 1-4-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013, Japan URL: https://ashinote.com Contact Ashinote Contact Form