We are updating Hub Japan's Privacy Policy and some features / プライバシーポリシーと一部機能の改定について


We keep updating our services to deliver greater experience regarding your travel to Japan. To that end, we want you to understand choices and controls you have over your information on Hub Japan. To help explain, we are announcing some updates to Hub Japan's Privacy Policy. 

Key Changes:

You can review the updated privacy policy from here.
By continuing to use our services on or after May 25, 2018, you acknowledge our updated Privacy Policy and agree to the policy. Feel free to contact us by sending an e-mail to contact@hubjapan.io if you have any questions.
Also, those who wish to delete your account because of the changes, send us an e-mail to above address from the e-mail address you have registered. It may take few days to complete deleting your account. 

According to the new policy, we updated some of our features as well.

Key Updates:

Thank you for being a part of the Hub Japan community.

Hub Japanはプライバシーポリシーを改定します。


2018年5月25日以降、サービスを継続して利用される場合、改定後のプライバシーポリシーへの同意が必要となります。ご質問や不明点がある場合は contact@hubjapan.io へご連絡ください。
本改定によって退会を希望される方は、Hub Japanにご登録いただいているメールアドレスから、上記問い合わせ先までメールでご連絡ください。退会処理の完了には数営業日かかる場合がございます。



引き続きHub Japanをよろしくお願い致します。